Lodge Princess Antonia No. 118
A Masonic Lodge for Men and Women meeting in London & International

Tradition in Modern Times
We are part of a diverse and international Masonic family.
Philosophical ideas provide a feeling of unity in a more and more fragmented world.
Symbols and rituals communicate moral values and touch our hearts.
Enlightenment makes us question dogmatism and strive for equality and personal freedom.
Princess Antonia
We work in the tradition of Princess Antonia, who valued wisdom from all sources.
A Lodge for Men and Women
We love the energy of natural, co-gendered environments.
International Grand Lodge
Our Grand Lodge is a member of various International Masonic Unions.
Modern Mixed Masons
in UK & International
Being part of the Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons, we tolerate the still existing separation of the sexes in mainstream Freemasonry, but we do not accept it! Our Grand Lodge was founded in 2010 by members of the United Grand Lodge of England and the two feminine British Grand Lodges, the Order of Women Freemasons and the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons. We created a beautiful and friendly environment open for all genders in mutual love and respect.
Already +100 Lodges worldwide
- We have lodges in many parts of the world
- Furthermore, our grand lodge is part of the International Masonic Union Catena, a community of liberal co-gendered grand lodges from many countries, as well as the International Confederation of Supreme Councils of 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
- As a member of the Modern Mixed Masons, you automatically belong to all lodges under the roll of our grand lodge

High degrees & additional systems
- We celebrate the traditional Craft Degrees of Freemasonry (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason)
- Furthermore, we have Chapters for Mark Master Masons, the Holy Royal Arch, the Scottish Rite, Knights Templar, the Royal Order of Scotland and many others
- Feel free to explore these rites and bodies on your Masonic journey without any additional fees
“By embracing diversity, we can create a world where everyone belongs.”
Bro. Annie Besant, 33°
British Women’s Rights Activist & Freemason
Join Freemasonry for Men and Women in London & International
Just drop us a line and briefly explain your interest in Freemasonry. We are happy to answer all your questions.